Computational Adventures is designed for curious students and hobbyists to deep dive into computational thinking. Adventurers receive a set of 12 problems and mini-projects to solve, ranging from math to text analysis to computational art. Adventurers have the opportunity to explore a variety of subject areas and build mini-projects and are encouraged to go beyond the set tasks with ideas for extensions.
Our lively Discord community allows adventurers to meet people from around the world, collaborate on problems and connect with teammates to take projects further.
Adventurers will learn Wolfram Language in order to explore a world of computational opportunities, gain exposure to innovative ideas and technology and expand their ideas. Wolfram Language allows adventurers to vault over tedious low-level programming to immediately create, analyze and implement using the functional paradigm.
This program is a fantastic entry point to the summer programs at Wolfram, including the Wolfram Middle School Summer Camp, the Wolfram High School Summer Research Program and the Wolfram Summer School.